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Not tools, ideas.

With a patented display our goal is to give you more than just trading tools, we hope to give you trading ideas. Other brokers give you things like studies, indicators and queries; and while we have those too, we take it a step further with actual trading ideas.

Reading the

Technical Analysis

Risk Management

Gone is the endless sea of meaningless data, because gxtrader graphics and signals
make finding and managing a trade easier
than ever. » more

Easy to read symbols in one window is just part of the power of gxtrader.
• Multiple Time Frames and Set-ups
• Body and Roof color of the cylinder
• Trading Signal and Pattern Direction
» more

CLICK HERE for information
about our preferred broker.


New to gxtrader?

Watch this short overview video to see our patented display, quickly understand how to find stocks on the move and see how gxtrader may improve your trading.


Access to electronic services may be limited or unavailable during periods of peak demand, market volatility,
systems upgrades or maintenance, or for other reasons. Symbols, prices, groups and industries are used
for illustrative purposes only and do not constitute a recommendation.