The List » Opportunity List
VisualTrader provides you with a method to see the activity of hundreds of stocks at the same time. Yet with so many stocks to look at, there will be times when you want the best opportunities brought to your attention. This is the purpose of the Opportunity List. The Opportunity List gives you the ability to view securities, groups or both in a sortable manner.
Selecting the Groups button will show only the industry groups in your Map. Selecting the Symbols button will show only the securities in your Map.
Opportunity List
In this illustration, the Both button is selected, which gives a view of groups and symbols. From the Opportunity List, you can select the securities that are displayed as charts in VisualTrader.
You can change the width of the Opportunity List by dragging the window to the desired size.
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services may be limited or unavailable during periods of peak demand, market
systems upgrades or maintenance, or for other reasons. Symbols, prices, groups
and industries are used
for illustrative purposes only and do not constitute a recommendation.